Terms & Conditions for 
Younique Impact Services

group coaching 

1-1 coaching

Audio Recordings

Let’s Get on the Same Page First

I’m here to help you thrive with the best hypnotherapy support, so let’s make sure we’re totally in sync from the start. Here’s everything you need to know to step confidently into this journey together!

Coaching Overview

You’re joining a 1-1 or group coaching session to tackle your challenges and create real change. This isn’t therapy—it’s about progress and transformation. While we can’t guarantee specific results, we're committed to guiding and supporting you every step of the way.

Health & Safety

Got a health condition like epilepsy, depression, or heart concerns? Check in with your doctor before you begin. By signing up, you confirm you’re in good health for these sessions. If you’re currently in therapy, a note from your doctor may be required to confirm coaching is a good fit.

Format & Duration

Sessions are held online via Zoom, with specific details provided for each service.


Your privacy matters. Your information is confidential unless you give written consent or it’s already public. Documentation is stored for invoicing and quality, and we only share your data with your permission.


Everything here is for education only and isn’t a substitute for medical advice. I’m not liable for any damages except in cases of gross negligence, and liability is limited to the fees paid.


All services are paid upfront via Stripe or PayPal. Once you purchase, you’ll receive a confirmation email.


Subscription services are billed monthly. You can cancel anytime. Resubscribing later? Note that prices may be adjusted.

Rescheduling & No-Shows

Need to reschedule? Please give at least 24 hours’ notice. Missed 1-1 sessions without notice are charged, and late arrivals won’t extend the session time. Group sessions follow the set schedule.

Refund Policy

All sales are final and non-refundable. Not satisfied? Reach out, and I’ll do my best to make it right. Subscription cancellations must happen before the next billing cycle to avoid charges.

Legal Jurisdiction

This agreement is governed by the laws of Germany, with Berlin as the place of jurisdiction. Any contract changes must be in writing.

© 2024 Copyright younique impact. All Rights Reserved


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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
